Summer 2024 Catalog

Catholic Heritage Curricula 4020 N. MacArthur Blvd., Ste. 122-320 Irving, TX 75038-6422

Academically Excellent


Easy to Use




Learn more on pages 4–5.

Coloring Book Devotional Stories

Devotional Stories for Little Folks

These all-time favorite stories feature the antics of Greg and his siblings in a Catholic homeschooling family like your own. The 36 hilarious and heart-tugging stories can be used for primary reading practice, character building lessons, or pure enjoyment!

Devotional Stories for Little Folks includes: • Thirty-six stories;

Devotional Stories Coloring Book

• Relevant quotations from Scripture and the Catechism for each story; • New vocabulary and comprehension questions follow each tale; • Topical index to easily locate specific character-building issues.

Artwork by Andrea Helen Smith

These stories can be used in response to specific character issues that might need reinforcement. For example, what if you’d like to present a lesson about the importance of following directions? Look in the topical index under “directions” to locate “Yellowstone Bread,” a story about just such a lesson. Much more than entertaining reading, Devotional Stories will inspire your child to LIVE the Faith!

Bigger Stories for Little Folks Devotional Stories for Little Folks, Too

Check out the prequel and sequel, which are chock-full of even more funny, heart-tugging, “real-life” stories related to living the Faith within the family!

Catholic Heritage Curricula

JULY 22–24, 2024

Details on page 3.

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