Summer 2024 Catalog
A Catholic Garden of Puzzles Sandra Garant Children ages 8–18 will enjoy digging into this word puzzle garden! There are different puzzle “patches” from which to pick, but all of them focus on some aspect of our Catholic faith. If you want an appropriate puzzle for the month of May (Mary), look in “The Blessed Virgin’s Puzzle Patch.” If you’re studying Scripture, check the “Scriptural Puzzle Patch.” There are 77 word puzzles in all,
Amazing Virtues by Cathy Garant In this maze are vices and virtues. Young children may simply circle the virtues and color in the garden. Older children can start at one of the four gates and work their way toward the center collecting the virtues, without crossing or retracing their path and without going past a vice.
Easy Personal Devotions Logic David, Imelda, James, and Rachel are friends who each have a different way of showing their love for God. Using the facts given, determine each child’s favorite devotion. If you are sure that a child does not match a devotion, then mark an “X” in the box which is both directly under the devotion and directly across from the child’s name. If you match the child and the devotion, mark the proper box with “Yes.” For example, clue #2 means you can put an “X” in the box which is farthest to the right directly across from James’ name.
Saints and Virtues Puzzle Patch
Eucharistic Adoration
First Fridays
David Imelda
including Cryptograms, Restoration puzzles, Which Way?, Purgation puzzles, Vowel-less puzzles, Connect the Words, and Logic puzzles. Gardens are meant to be productive. The purpose of this garden is to encourage critical thinking, to improve spelling, and to immerse the puzzler in the rich fragrance of our Catholic faith. Each puzzle makes a ready-to-go handout for enrichment or review! Permission is granted to make additional copies of the puzzles for immediate family members. Includes answer key. Softcover. 90 pgs. 8½"×11" CGPZ $12.50
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Restoration Two of Mary’s titles are hidden in each row below. Can you restore her titles correctly? MOARKTHEROFTHEOFDIVCOVINEENANTGRACE
James Rachel
1. Rachel wears a sign of her Marian devotion around her neck.
2. James is not the boy who prays the Rosary daily.
3. Both Imelda and the boy who prefers praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament think often of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and His promises.
If more facts are needed to solve the Personal Devotions Logic puzzle, see the end of the Saints and Virtues Answer Patch.
Catholic Life and Traditions Puzzle Patch
Mary has an Immaculate Heart. This means that her heart is perfectly pure.
The Blessed Virgin’s Puzzle Patch
Onions in My Boots Basic Gardening for Young Sprouts Nancy Nicholson Beth lives in the country . . . Jeremiah lives in town . . . Patrick lives in a third- oor apartment . . . No matter where you live, you can plant and grow your very own delicious herbs, owers, and vegetables. Why, you might even decide to plant onions in your boots!
Nicholson Onions in My Boots
Onions in My Boots Nancy Nicholson
Are you ready to plant onions in your boots? One of the best ways to learn about science is through hands-on experience. If you’d like to trim grocery expenses and introduce your children to how God makes plants grow and where food really comes from, you can get off to a good start with Onions in My Boots . Whether you live in the country or the city, this easy-to-follow children’s book teaches the budget-easing survival skill of growing your own food. Using items on hand, children learn that one tomato plant—even one planted on an apartment balcony—can produce enough fruit in one season to pay for the cost of the book. The gardening projects in this book also teach the life skills of setting goals, making decisions, following through on projects, and being patient. Children will delight in participating in God’s creation and sharing their home-grown, free produce. Softcover. 97 pgs. 5½"×8½" Illustrated. OMB $10.95 Illustrated by Sara Johnson On a tight budget? Introduce your children to the wonder of growing the family groceries, and preparing simple recipes with the fruit of their labors. Whether planting in the free (and sometimes unusual) containers suggested in Onions in My Boots , or planting in the ground, your investment will be negligible, but the rewards priceless. For Little Folks Dresden, OH
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