Summer 2024 Catalog


by Nancy Nicholson

High School of Your Dreams Guidebook High School of Your Dreams was developed by Nancy Nicholson as a guide to designing a high school curriculum that fits your student’s unique learning style, interests, and possible career goals. The High School of Your Dreams Guidebook introduces three basic approaches to high school: 1. College Track: Flexible Textbook Approach; 2. Community College/Vocational School: Independent Study Approach; 3. Apprenticeship/School-to-Work: Experiential Approach A two-part Student Profile, one part answered by the student, one part by the parent, gauges the student’s interests and aptitudes and is followed by a guide to interpreting the results. The Guidebook then proceeds to developing a tentative four-year plan, choosing core and elective subjects, deciding which materials the student will use to learn those subjects, and creating a lesson plan for the materials. The Guidebook also covers the following general topics about homeschooling through high school: what is necessary for a homeschooled student to enter college; converting homeschool study time into standard high school credit hours; creating a high school transcript; discerning career paths; and incorporating volunteering and other types of experiential learning into a high school curriculum. Includes reproducible blank forms and charts ( From Freshman to Graduate Chart , Class Lesson Plan Form, Monthly Hours Chart, Academic Transcript , and Diploma ). 186 pgs. 8½"×11" Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled. HSYD-GB $24.95 A resource to help homeschool families design and implement their own, personalized high school programs “M Y kiddo is now 22 and long graduated, but I remember how reassuring this book was when I didn’t think I could face high school at home! Now a friend is struggling with facing this challenge in two years. So glad your resources are available!” —Laura, TX

Step 4

Explore Your Career Interests You are almost ready to plan your high school curriculum. Before you can decide how you will gain credit for English, which text or DVD series you will use for history, and whether or not you will study chemistry at your commu nity college, you need to have some idea of what your vocational and/or career goals are. For instance, if you are interested in going into the field of aeronautics, you will need to take more math and science classes than someone who is interested in journalism, but you prob

electronics engineer, broadcast technician, etc.). Take particular notice of what post-high school education is required for the

careers that interest you. You might be surprised to learn, for example, that someone who is interested in a degree in Environmental Sciences will need to take Zoology, Biology, Algebra, Chemistry, and Technical Drafting in college, and that Psychology and Biology are required subjects in college for those pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice. Knowing something of the educational requirements in your chosen field and including some or all of those classes as core subjects at the high school level considerably boosts performance in post-high school studies. If you are considering an apprenticeship in a particular profession, locate and contact someone practicing that profession. Arrange for a personal or telephone interview to learn what educational requirements are necessary to the profession; the information may also be obtained through an internet search. One might note, for example, that carpenters and electricians need math and science skills. This knowledge will be helpful when planning your high school curriculum. Where Can I Find Out More about Degrees or Training Programs for These Fields? For more information, type the degree desired followed by a career field in the internet search box, e.g., “associate’s degree veterinary technician”; “bachelor’s degree epidemiolo gist”; “master’s degree social worker.”

ably will not do as much creative writing. With your parent, look over the descriptions of possible careers found on the following pages. Based on the results of your Student Profile, select the careers that best fit your interests and abilities. Begin by choosing five careers that catch your interest; find out more about what type of experiences and work are involved in these careers. Now narrow your list of five to the two careers that most interest you. Research to find out which classes and steps would be required to enter these fields. Because most students possess more than one potential career interest or skill set, it is recommended to explore at least two different careers. For instance, Jeff loves to hike and has enjoyed taking First Aid. He decides to learn more about careers in forestry and the medical field. When you have selected the careers which best fit your abilities and goals, explore them with your parent. Which of the careers/ vocations described can you imagine pursuing after you graduate from high school? Research the various “Related Fields” to see if any of them interest you more than others (for instance, Electronics: avionic electronics,


Step 4: Explore Your Career Interests

Core Subjects: Language Arts How will you complete your core requirements in the language arts? Study the list of possible courses below, then read more about each course on the following pages. Select the courses that most closely align with your career and educational goals. Then write down your ideas in the spaces below.

Standard requirements: • English: 4 years/credits • Speech: ½ year/credit Requirements in your state: • English: years/credits • Speech: year/credit College requirements: • English: 4 years/credits, including Grammar, Literature, and Composition • Foreign Language: 3 or 4 years/credits, with a strong focus in at least one language • Speech: ½ year/credit

English Composition & Grammar — pg. 72 Literature — pg. 74 Journalism/Communications — pg. 80 Creative Writing — pg. 81 Drama — pg. 82 Foreign Languages — pg. 83 Speech — pg. 84

Step 5



Foreign Language:


Step 5: Core Subjects: Language Arts

The Battle Planner Charging toward Adulthood This blank lesson planner helps high school students take charge of academic assignments, family and religious commitments, and extracurricular activities. The planner includes encouraging tips for improving study habits and maintaining a positive approach to life. 36 weeks, 74 pgs. Spiral-bound for ease of use. 8½"×11" BP $11.95

Photo submitted by Cristina, SC.


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