Interactive Guide Grade 4
44 Fourth Grade Non-Core Subjects & Electives (Catholic Heritage Handwriting, Level 4)
Week 1, Lesson 3 Copy in a manner that would make St. Alphonsus proud. O ü÷é„ÉÕ, Tøá÷éÁîÕ æćë‡ìÕ æÄÿãÿãÕ-Àè÷éÁñÂчëÿÖ‡îÿãÕ, Ãå÷ÄÿäŸÑÕ ÃåŸÑÕ æÄÕ ®í÷ćà‚ç‡ìÕ. ؇ìÕ. öÿã‡èÿá÷éËçÙí‡îÙíÕ æÉŸÑÕ ©‡à÷ÜÏî÷éÁë‡àÕ
|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| Week 1, Lesson 4 Copy the Latin phrase twice. Then stand in front of a mirror and turn your Click for more samples!
workbook upside down to read the translation. ö‡ïÂÑÕ ™÷ćë‡à÷ÄÕ, æÜÏë÷ćì‡à÷ÄÕ ÀèÿãŸÑ‚ç÷ÄÕ
|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||| (†ÓćàÿãÕ ™÷ćë‡òœ, øÖ‡îÿãÿãÕ æé‰ÖÕ æÜÏë÷Ä÷ÇŸÑÕ) Translation:
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