Interactive Guide Grade 2

31 Preparing to Receive Jesus: A Hands-On Religion Resource (Packet: Sample Activities)

— P ACKET — for Preparing to Receive Jesus

Includes all templates and color imagesneeded to complete thehands-onprojectsdescribed in Preparing toReceive Jesus.

That Red Silk Frock—A Choice to Make

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Who tempts us with thoughts of having our own way?

Habit of disobedience

Mass Book Project Image Options for Pages 10-11 See instructions in the Book, page 49.



Considering the choice



“Silencing” the voice of conscience


33 Lesson8


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My Rocket of Love

I join my offering to Yours.

51 Lesson 13 Rockets are much too dangerous to play with, and only experienced scientists shouldexperimentwith rockets.However, it isquite safe todream.So just suppose that you and your friends did build a rocket. You packed it full of fuel and set it on its launching pad. At a safe distance you pressed the button that fired the rocket. Into the air it rose, higher and higher until it was out of sight.


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ery care down t less ste toyouc ” nce. Bu ass. At ve. You n,along urself to e along haristi r. This i s carrie moon t ur rock accepte nderful intogol ered as theBo ist. cent fro God yo ck to y into yo s in H devotio tof love God se s comes there w im. Fr. Leo

You had figured the rocket’s course v work when the rocket came whistling for its landing. But look! It was a stain butnowyou see that ithascomeback mysterious happened to it Up There. That would be a wonderful experie happens every time you assist at M every Mass you launch a rocket of lo fuelyour rocketat theOffertorywhe with thebreadandwine,yougiveyo Jesus. You ask Him to offer your lov with His to God the Father. Then as the priest begins the Euc Prayer, your rocket soars into the ai the part of the Mass in which Jesu your love up and up—beyond the the very throne of God. At theConsecrationof theMass,yo reaches its peak. Your gift of love is byGod,andchangedevenmorewo thanwhenyour steelwas changed The bread and wine, which you off symbolofyourself, is changed into and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Chr Your Golden Rocket begins Its des God to you. From the throne of rocket of love comes speeding ba It falls, not to the ground but heart as you kneel to receive Jesu Communion with attention and This then is the storyofyour rocke the living Person of Jesus Christ, your rocket back to you. As Jesu us be sure, all of us, that we are our hearts wide open to receive H Adapted from a story by

Gifts of Love See instructions in theBook, pages 55-57.

Right-Away Obedience

I am all Yours and all that I have I give to You.

Lord and my God!




I join my “Amen” with Mary’s.


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