Interactive Guide Grade 8

Eighth Grade Core Subjects : : Overview


Science Earth Science: God’s World, Our Home (2nd Edition) by Kevin Nelstead unites a Christian perspective with up-to-date geological science. Although the author is not Catholic, he understands that faith and reason can never contradict each other, because (as he explains) “All truth is God’s truth.” Earth Science takes a mastery approach to science, focusing on long-term mastery of the most fundamental concepts of Earth Science, rather than a temporary familiarity with a range of topics too broad to cover in depth. Topics studied include the seasons, lunar phases, and eclipses; minerals and the rock cycle; plate tectonics and mountain building; volcanoes and earthquakes; weathering, erosion, and soils; surface water and groundwater; landforms and glaciers; geologic history; oceanography; the atmosphere; weather and climate; and Christian stewardship. Earth Science features eight in-depth Experimental Investigations, which range from rock and mineral identification to studying volcanoes with topographical maps. The program consists of a full color textbook and Digital Resources (PDF and Word files). The Digital Resources are essential for the course and provide an Experiment Resource Manual, midterm and final exams, and a complete answer key. Samples: • Excerpts from Chapters 1 and 4, pages 18–19 Mathematics Saxon Algebra 1 covers all the topics in a first-year algebra course and builds the algebraic foundation essential for all students to solve increasingly complex problems. Text features 120 lessons and focuses on algebraic thinking and multiple representations—verbal, numeric, symbolic, and graphical. Kit includes Student Text, Tests, and Answer Key. Solutions Manual is highly recommended. Samples: • Excerpts from Lesson 75 , pages 16–17

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