Interactive Guide Grade 8

14 Eighth Grade Core Subjects : : Grammar & Composition (Language of God, Level G)


I. Parts of Speech, 1–122

65 69 70 75 77 80 81 83 86 88 90 92

Perfect Progressive Verbs The Last Verb Review Active and Passive Voice

2 3 6 8


Complex and Compound Subjects



Personal Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns

Elusive Subjects

11 12 13 17 19 20 23 25 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 40 43 45 49 51 52 54 57 60 61 62 63


Pronoun and Verb Agreement Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Compound Sentences Compound Sentences Nouns: Compound Nouns

Interrogative Pronouns


II. Usage, 123-192

III. Mechanics, 193-232

Compound Words Appositive Nouns

Definite Article

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

124 127 132 135 138 140 143 146 152 155

Complex Sentences

194 197 199 202 206 208 209 211


A Few More Words about Appositives

Functions of Dependent Clauses The Dependent Adjectival Clause


Collective Nouns

Pausing for Dramatic Effect Semicolons and Colons

93 94

Demonstrative Pronouns

Plural Nouns

Adverbial Clauses

Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives 204

Participles and Participial Phrases


Irregular Plurals More Plural Nouns

Diagramming a Participle

Quotation Marks

98 99

Irregular Adjectives

Participial Phrases

Other Uses for Quotation Marks Quotation Marks or Italics?

And More Plural Nouns


101 102 Double Negatives Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases Infinitives as Adverbs and Adjectives Gerunds and Gerund Phrases 103 Singular or Plural? Subject-Verb Agreement Finding the Simple Subject 104 Special Cases of Subject-Verb Agreement Collective and Indefinite Pronouns Pre-writing Stage Pre-writing Stage — Sources of Information Interviewing Sources Review of Adverbs Prepositions Organizing Your Information Completing Your Research Some Cases of Confusion Functions of a Preposition Coordinating Conjunctions Possessive Adjectives for Mixed Groups Rewriting Sentences to Avoid Awkward Possessive Adjectives Drafting Your Report Revising Your Report Proofreading Your Report Indefinite Pronouns Troublesome Words Pairs of Conjunctions Interjections Reading for the General Meaning — Poetry Diagramming Compound Subjects and Predicates Compound Predicates with Direct Objects Diagrams Diagramming Prepositional Phrases Diagramming Compound Sentences Reading for a Deeper Meaning — Poetry Reading for the General Meaning — Prose Reading for a Deeper Meaning — Prose Writing about Prose Writing about Poetry More Troublesome Words Additional Troublesome Words Presenting Your Report Responding to Literature Diagramming Sentences Subordinating Conjunctions More about Comparatives and Superlatives No Double Comparatives or Superlatives 105 106 107 110 112 114 115 119

Plural Names

Single Quotation Marks

Singular Possessive Nouns

Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adverbs 212


Special Cases for Singular Possessives Shared Possession and Individual Possession 158 161

214 215

Joint Ownership

Possessive Personal Pronouns and Adjectives

162 164

IV. Composition, 233-295

280 281

Plural Possessive Nouns

216 217 218 220 223 226 228 230




Linking Verbs More about Diction Diction — Choosing Your Words Sometimes Linking Verbs and Sometimes Not Formal and Informal Diction Vocabulary

234 235 236 238 240 241 243 245 246 248 249 251 253 255 256 259 261 264 265 267 267 268 268 269 271 273 274 276 278 279

168 170 173 174 176 179 181 183 187

More Uses for Hyphens

283 284 284 285 285 286 286 287 288


Parentheses Abbreviations

Action Verbs Boring Verbs Sentence Structure Irregular Verbs Helping Verbs More Online Research Library Research Citing Your Sources More Helping Verbs What Do We Cite? Progressive Tenses Works Cited Page Using Online Citation Links Research Tenses Verb Tenses and Helping Verbs Citation Format Perfect Tenses Basic Elements in a Works Cited Page Varying Sentence Lengths and Structures

Writing Numbers It’s about Time

289 290


290 291 293 295

189 190

Types of Writing Persuasive Writing

Your Favorite Fiction Book

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Thesis Statements

Answer Key, 297-322

Drafting Your Persuasive Essay Revising Your Persuasive Essay

Narrative Writing Time in Narratives

Developing a Series of Events in a Narrative

Dialogue in a Story Selective Dialogue

Verb Tenses in Dialogue

Creative Writing Heroic Couplets


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