Interactive Guide Grade 3
Third Grade Daily Lesson Plans
What Are CHC Lesson Plans?
CHC Lesson Plans provide an organized and flexible framework for learning and developing specific skills. The lesson plans are laid out day by-day, with weekly goals for those who prefer a simpler guide. These goals form a scope and sequence that builds from skill to skill, year to-year, providing a solid foundation for your child as he progresses in his studies through the elementary, middle, and upper grades. The lesson plans are designed around key features: flexibility, ease of use for the busy mom, and incorporation of the Faith with practical living. At a glance you can differentiate between required core subjects and optional non-core subjects. Core & Non-Core Subjects Only the boxes for required Core subjects are shaded in the lesson plans. Non-Core subjects are considered optional and have been left unshaded. They may be added to your student’s schedule as time, interest, and funds allow.
CHC Daily Lesson Plans: Third Grade
The third grade lesson plans are designed for 36 weeks, four days a week.
” “ I just want to thank you for all your school services. I've tried many curriculums and I find this to be the least time consuming in preparation. Everything is straight forward and my child can start right away. Thank you! — Norma, Texas
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