Spring 2025 Catalog
Hands-On Religion Resources
Expanded edition!
The Virtue Tree Sandra Garant & Elaine Woodfield
Sandra Garant’s character-building course is powerful! Using the Marianist method of virtue as a guide, she speaks directly to the maturing student about living a life of virtue. Also included are 11 inspiring stories of the saints by Elaine Woodfield that demonstrate how the saints lived the virtues. Each of the lessons are easy to understand and conclude with “Good Ideas” to put into practice. Throughout the year the student is directed to make Virtue “Key” Cards which serve as personal, hands-on reminders of the key points that have been learned. Makes an excellent prepa ratory course before beginning formal Confirmation classes! Printed in full color. In CHC Lesson Plans for Seventh Grade , The Virtue Tree is scheduled on two days a week for 36 weeks. Full color, 160 pgs. Spiral-bound for ease of use. 8½"×11" Pages are not reproducible; each student will need his own book. TVT $26.95
Growing up to be a better person on the inside . . .
Meditating on God’s Love You now have nine Bible verses about God’s love, six from the Old Testament and three from the New Testament. With a parent’s permission, go online and watch this YouTube video made by Called to More: https://youtu.be/j53s92oR-ts . In this video, Fr. Columba Jordan, C.F.R., gives practical suggestions for medi tating on God’s love so that this love becomes the foundation of who we are. Knowing that God loves us isn’t enough; we have to let this knowledge sink into our hearts. After watching the video, use the nine Bible verses you have collected to meditate on God’s love, following the suggestions that Fr. Columba gives in his video. Do this for 15 minutes each day for the next week. You may do it during your morning or evening prayer time, or you may set aside a special time during the day. Be sure to find a quiet place without distractions. You don’t have to use all nine Bible verses; meditate on the ones that inspire you the most. You may need to watch the video a few times on different days before you “get the hang of it.” Hopefully, you will find this practice so helpful that you will want to continue it all year!
Faith in Action This full-color religion resource is designed to help your eighth-grader grow in maturity through inspirational stories, reflections, hands-on activities, and service to others. Inspirational Stories and Activities The stories, reflections, and hands-on activities in Faith in Action touch on themes such as what it means to love my neighbor; watching our words; how God brings good out of evil; assessing “enemy infiltration” in movies, TV shows, and video games; God’s values and the world’s values; gratitude; choosing friends wisely; and more. Volunteer Projects
“The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.” —Victor Hugo
It is essential that students not only learn their Faith, but also put it into action through service to others. Many schools arrange for students in the pre-teen and teen years to participate in volunteer activities, but this can be challenging to implement in a homeschool setting. Volunteer opportunities often require adult supervision and transportation, and there are so many other calls on the parent’s time! That is why CHC has developed a step-by-step program to guide the homeschooled student in planning and managing his own volunteer activities. Faith in Action provides scheduling suggestions; a variety of ideas for volunteer service projects, including many that the student can complete at home without parental assistance; and step-by-step charts to assist the student in scheduling and managing his projects. Besides encouraging an attitude of service, Faith in Action also develops time-management and accountability skills that are essential for high school. In CHC Lesson Plans for Eighth Grade , Faith in Action is scheduled on two days a week for 22 weeks. Full color, 180 pgs. Spiral-bound for ease of use. 8½"×11" Pages are not reproducible; each student will need his own book. FIA $26.95
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