Spring 2025 Catalog
CHC Daily Lesson Plans for Grades PreK–8 CHC Lesson Plans offer detailed guidance along with flexibility! Public schools, private schools, and very structured home study schools often tailor the family to fit the studies; CHC Lesson Plans give parents the freedom to tailor the studies to fit the family. Thanks to the clarity of the weekly guides and daily plans, lessons can instantly be pared down to an academically excellent core in times of family overload, or expanded with enrichment activities and electives to fit the family budget and student’s interests. From Preschool to Fourth Grade, CHC lesson plans are based on a four-day week, with Wednesdays left open. This weekly “flex-day” can be used for extra-curricular activities, Mass attendance, or appointments. The student’s workload gradually increases in the middle school years, so beginning in Fifth Grade, CHC lesson plans follow a five-day week. Each lesson plan includes: • Scope and sequence for the year • Subject guide • Typical Course of Study • Weekly goals and checklists • Daily lesson plans on a two-page-per-week grid • Achievement record and certificate Daily lesson plans for PreK–8th grades. 102–136 pages each. Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled. See pages 8–17 for more details. LP $28.95
“I AM just so amazed at how BEAUTIFUL all your materials are for all of your subjects! Beauty and Catholicism are the environment in which I want my children to grow and learn! And the best part is that I get to learn right alongside them! God bless you!” —Jane, VA
Sample Daily Lesson Plan:
W eek 1
F ourth G rade
Week 1 Goals
Weekly goals are listed in the lesson plan and are easy to check off as completed.
Complete Lesson 3, pgs. 9-12.
Complete Lesson 4, pgs. 13-16.
Complete Lesson 1, pgs. 1-5.
Complete Lesson 2, pgs. 6-8.
Saxon Math 5/4 Lessons 1-4, pgs. 1-16
LANGUAGE ARTS LITERATURE & READING COMP. Treasure Trove of Literature 1 Little House in the Big Woods: pgs. 1-44 Guidebook: pgs. iv-11 Notebook: pgs. 6-9, 31-32, 35-37
Parent: Look over the Guidebook and Notebook with your student in preparation for tomorrow’s lesson.
Little House in the Big Woods, Lesson 1 Guidebook: Complete assignments on pgs. 6-9, including assignments in the Notebook.
Little House in the Big Woods, Lesson 2 Guidebook: Complete assignments on pgs. 10-11, including assignments in the Notebook.
Parent: Read introduction, pgs. iv-3.
Parent: Look over the Guidebook and Notebook to familiarize yourself with the material and different sections of the program.
Take spelling quiz. Correct any errors and write missed words correctly five times each. Write one sentence for each missed word.
Take final test. Write each missed word ten times.
Complete pg. 3. Copy all list words from the lesson, spelling words aloud as they are written.
Read list words together. Discuss the meaning of any new words. Complete pg. 2. Optional: Discuss this week’s Scriptural Answer.
Core subjects are shaded so you know at a glance what is essential.
My Catholic Speller C Lesson 1: Short Vowels a and e & Double Consonants, pgs. 2-3
Read “Listening to the Captain,” pg. 2.
Complete pg. 3.
Discuss sentence parts, pg. 4. Complete pg. 4.
Discuss complete sentences, pg. 5. Complete pg. 5.
Language of God C Sentences, pgs. 2-5
Faith and Life 4: Read and discuss the Introduction, “Pilgrims to Heaven,” pgs. 8-9.
Faith and Life 4: Discuss questions on pg. 10. Become familiar with the main sections of the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church .
Saints & Seasons:
Saints & Seasons: September Follow the instructions for completing the activities on Week 1, Day 1.
Saints & Seasons: September Follow the instructions for completing the activities on Week 1, Day 2.
Read the Introduction on pgs. 1-2.
Faith and Life 4 Text: Introduction, pgs. 8-10 Saints & Seasons : pgs. 1-9
Checking off attendance and marking weekly scores in the lesson plans is an excellent way to keep homeschool records. Ample space is provided to write in electives, appointments, skills mastered, remedial work, and enrichment activities.
Parent: Read the Introduction, pg. 2 Student: Read “The Master Plan” and “The Body Systems,” pgs. 3-4.
Read “A Mission for Me,” pg. 5.
Read “He Chose You,” pg. 6. Complete “My Temple of the Holy Spirit Fact Sheet,” pg. 7.
Behold and See 4 Introduction, pgs. 2-7
Introduction Complete pgs. 1-2 in workbook.
Introduction Complete pgs. 3-4 in workbook.
Read pgs. 1-5 in text.
Read pgs. 6-9 in text.
Our United States of America Text: Introduction, pgs. 1-9 Workbook: pgs. 1-4
Optional: Map Skills D: Complete pg. 3.
Complete Week 1, Lesson 1, pg. 6.
Complete Week 1, Lesson 2, pg. 6.
Complete Week 1, Lesson 3, pg. 7.
Complete Week 1, Lesson 4, pg. 7.
Catholic Heritage Handwriting 4 Week 1, pgs. 6-7
P.E./Recess Ideas on pg. 27 Art With A Purpose 4
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