Spring 2025 Catalog

Digital version of CHC's paper catalog

pring S 2025 Catholic Heritage Curricula


Educating for Eternity! ®

www.chcweb.com 1-800-490-7713

Dear Friends, We are thrilled to share the results of the customer survey we conducted in November. Nearly 1,000 homeschoolers responded, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. We are deeply grateful for your participation and continued support. Your insights play an instrumental role in helping us understand your needs and preferences, guiding us as we continue to develop educational materials that resonate with Catholic homeschoolers like you. We were particularly moved by your heartfelt comments, and we’d like to highlight some of the recurring themes and quotes from your responses. “What I love the most about Catholic Heritage Curricula is that my children love it just as much as I do!” —Ana A. “I like that it is challenging and not a bunch of busy work.” —Melissa S. “I like the beauty and flexibility of CHC. It is also a great classical approach.” —Ann R. “CHC is the best! We love the Catholic content naturally woven into the learning material.” —Candace P. “I love that it is easy to pick up and use and isn’t at all intimidating.” Danielle P. “Basically there’s no pre-planning or preparation that needs to be done ahead of time. Open up the planner each day and it’s all laid out.” —Kelly J. “You make my life easy, and enrich our kids’ lives immensely.” —Natalie Q. “The name and brand are classy and well-known. I am always proud to share that we use CHC.” —Brooke Q. “We love CHC! Thank you for True, Good, and Beautiful Curriculum!! A+++” —Carrie G. It brings us immense joy to know that both parents and children are finding value in our materials. Your love for the curriculum inspires us to keep improving. We want to thank you for your trust and for being part of the CHC family. Your feedback not only motivates us, but also shapes the future of our curriculum offerings. We look forward to continuing this journey together, enriching the minds and souls of our children as we educate for Eternity! With warm regards, Your CHC Family

Tuition-Free Catholic Education in the Heart of the Home!

Coming Soon Lesson Plans

4 6

Core Kits by Grade


High School

18 19 20 26 34 36 38 40 42 48 52 62

Literature Read-Alouds Reading & Phonics Literature & Reading Comprehension



Grammar & Composition


Science & Health

History & Geography


Art & Art Appreciation

Favorite Electives 68 Single-Subject Lesson Plans 70

P.S. You can view more survey results on the next page!


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

More Survey Results

How do you perceive CHC’s Academic Difficulty?

How do you perceive CHC’s Ease of Use?

Does CHC’s website provide enough information about CHC products to help you feel confident in your purchasing decisions? Yes, I feel confident when ordering from CHC.

Academically excellent without being burdensome

Very easy to use

About average

Too gentle

No – there is not enough informa tion or not the right information.

No – there is too much infor mation and it’s overwhelming.

Too rigorous

Not easy to use

Flat Rate Shipping Special MARCH 17–19, 2025 Only $3.95 shipping for any size order!

Save the date!

$3.95 FLAT RATE SHIPPING March 17–19, 2025

• Any size order! • U.S. or military addresses only • No coupon code needed.

• Select $3.95 Flat Rate Shipping during checkout. Order will be mailed by the most economical shipping rate.

Special begins 12 a.m. CT on March 17 and ends 11:59 p.m. CT on March 19.


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

Coming Soon!

Embark on a wondrous journey across the globe with our meticulously crafted encyclopedia, specially designed for young explorers. With 15 detailed maps and approximately 400 age-appropriate entries, children will discover: • Majestic animals and their habitats • Inspiring stories of saints and Catholic shrines • Awe-inspiring natural wonders and world-renowned landmarks Children’s Catholic Encyclopedia of GEOGRAPHY

• Fascinating historical figures and pivotal events • Diverse cultural activities from around the world



Stay tuned for more updates and be ready to unlock the wonders of our incredible world! Expected availability date: August 2025

i o

C o m p




Explore the Continents

Tour a Country

Turn to pages 48 and 49 to learn about these titles.


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

Coming Soon!

Bigger Stories for Little Folks Devotional Stories for Little Folks, Too This summer, these all-time favorite readers will be available with full-color illustrations by Catholic artist Andrea Helen Smith! These stories may be used for primary reading practice and enjoyment, for daily devotions, or as gentle examples for moral training. Expected availability date: June 2025

Coming in Full Color!

You don’t have to wait to get stories in full color. Devotional Stories for Little Folks is already available with Andrea’s beautiful illustrations that bring the tales to life! Learn more on page 25.

Accompanying coloring books! Coloring books to accompany the newly illustrated Bigger Stories for Little Folks and Devotional Stories for Little Folks, Too will also be available this summer. The perforated coloring pages are arranged by story title, making it easy to hand out the pages that go along with the story. Expected availability date: June 2025

Turn to page 25 to learn about the first coloring book in the series.


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com


CHC Daily Lesson Plans for Grades PreK–8 CHC Lesson Plans offer detailed guidance along with flexibility! Public schools, private schools, and very structured home study schools often tailor the family to fit the studies; CHC Lesson Plans give parents the freedom to tailor the studies to fit the family. Thanks to the clarity of the weekly guides and daily plans, lessons can instantly be pared down to an academically excellent core in times of family overload, or expanded with enrichment activities and electives to fit the family budget and student’s interests. From Preschool to Fourth Grade, CHC lesson plans are based on a four-day week, with Wednesdays left open. This weekly “flex-day” can be used for extra-curricular activities, Mass attendance, or appointments. The student’s workload gradually increases in the middle school years, so beginning in Fifth Grade, CHC lesson plans follow a five-day week. Each lesson plan includes: • Scope and sequence for the year • Subject guide • Typical Course of Study • Weekly goals and checklists • Daily lesson plans on a two-page-per-week grid • Achievement record and certificate Daily lesson plans for PreK–8th grades. 102–136 pages each. Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled. See pages 8–17 for more details. LP $28.95

“I AM just so amazed at how BEAUTIFUL all your materials are for all of your subjects! Beauty and Catholicism are the environment in which I want my children to grow and learn! And the best part is that I get to learn right alongside them! God bless you!” —Jane, VA

Sample Daily Lesson Plan:

W eek 1

F ourth G rade

Week 1 Goals






Weekly goals are listed in the lesson plan and are easy to check off as completed.


Complete Lesson 3, pgs. 9-12.

Complete Lesson 4, pgs. 13-16.

Complete Lesson 1, pgs. 1-5.

Complete Lesson 2, pgs. 6-8.

Saxon Math 5/4 Lessons 1-4, pgs. 1-16

LANGUAGE ARTS LITERATURE & READING COMP. Treasure Trove of Literature 1 Little House in the Big Woods: pgs. 1-44 Guidebook: pgs. iv-11 Notebook: pgs. 6-9, 31-32, 35-37

Parent: Look over the Guidebook and Notebook with your student in preparation for tomorrow’s lesson.

Little House in the Big Woods, Lesson 1 Guidebook: Complete assignments on pgs. 6-9, including assignments in the Notebook.

Little House in the Big Woods, Lesson 2 Guidebook: Complete assignments on pgs. 10-11, including assignments in the Notebook.

Parent: Read introduction, pgs. iv-3.

Parent: Look over the Guidebook and Notebook to familiarize yourself with the material and different sections of the program.


Take spelling quiz. Correct any errors and write missed words correctly five times each. Write one sentence for each missed word.

Take final test. Write each missed word ten times.

Complete pg. 3. Copy all list words from the lesson, spelling words aloud as they are written.

Read list words together. Discuss the meaning of any new words. Complete pg. 2. Optional: Discuss this week’s Scriptural Answer.

Core subjects are shaded so you know at a glance what is essential.

My Catholic Speller C Lesson 1: Short Vowels a and e & Double Consonants, pgs. 2-3


Read “Listening to the Captain,” pg. 2.

Complete pg. 3.

Discuss sentence parts, pg. 4. Complete pg. 4.

Discuss complete sentences, pg. 5. Complete pg. 5.

Language of God C Sentences, pgs. 2-5


Faith and Life 4: Read and discuss the Introduction, “Pilgrims to Heaven,” pgs. 8-9.

Faith and Life 4: Discuss questions on pg. 10. Become familiar with the main sections of the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church .

Saints & Seasons:

Saints & Seasons: September Follow the instructions for completing the activities on Week 1, Day 1.

Saints & Seasons: September Follow the instructions for completing the activities on Week 1, Day 2.

Read the Introduction on pgs. 1-2.

Faith and Life 4 Text: Introduction, pgs. 8-10 Saints & Seasons : pgs. 1-9

Checking off attendance and marking weekly scores in the lesson plans is an excellent way to keep homeschool records. Ample space is provided to write in electives, appointments, skills mastered, remedial work, and enrichment activities.


Parent: Read the Introduction, pg. 2 Student: Read “The Master Plan” and “The Body Systems,” pgs. 3-4.

Read “A Mission for Me,” pg. 5.

Read “He Chose You,” pg. 6. Complete “My Temple of the Holy Spirit Fact Sheet,” pg. 7.

Behold and See 4 Introduction, pgs. 2-7




Introduction Complete pgs. 1-2 in workbook.

Introduction Complete pgs. 3-4 in workbook.

Read pgs. 1-5 in text.

Read pgs. 6-9 in text.

Our United States of America Text: Introduction, pgs. 1-9 Workbook: pgs. 1-4

Optional: Map Skills D: Complete pg. 3.


Complete Week 1, Lesson 1, pg. 6.

Complete Week 1, Lesson 2, pg. 6.

Complete Week 1, Lesson 3, pg. 7.

Complete Week 1, Lesson 4, pg. 7.

Catholic Heritage Handwriting 4 Week 1, pgs. 6-7


P.E./Recess Ideas on pg. 27 Art With A Purpose 4




1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com


Blank Lesson Planner with Inspirational Quotes and Tips from Veteran Homeschoolers This year, stay organized and uplifted with a planner that supports your Catholic homeschooling lifestyle! CHC’s popular blank lesson planner includes inspirational quotes and tips from veteran homeschoolers. Simple and elegant format with inspiration and encouragement from saints, popes, famous authors, and veteran Catholic homeschoolers. The Lesson Planner features: • daily lined grids for 36 weeks;

• liturgical calendar; • planning checklists;

• space to write quarterly goals, supplies, field trips, and notes; • reflections for each quarter; • quarterly Independent Study Charts that enable students to work through school subjects independently each day; • and more! Spiral-bound. 96 pgs. 8½"×11" LPB $11.95

Featuring tips from veteran homeschoolers!

“S O excited for these materials... and our child's first-ever report card!” —Colleen, MO

Catholic Report Card Grids for up to 14 subjects and quarter grades, comments, special recognition, Sacraments received, and volunteer work. Includes a special feature titled “Work Habits” to grade how your child completed the assignments (Neatly, Cheerfully, Obediently, Promptly). Cardstock. 5½"×8½" CRC $1.95

Daily Lesson Plans


Single-Subject Lesson Plans

Single-subject lesson plans are designed for families who want a daily plan for only one subject. Each single-subject lesson plan features one-page-per-week detailed daily lesson plans with check-boxes, clear weekly goals, a “Year at a Glance” chart, and room for notes.

Turn to page 70 to learn more!


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Preschool Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-pk to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!


Preschool Core Kit CORE-PK $97.70

Also Required for Preschool

Go online @ chcweb.com/Preschool for direct links to purchase these books from affordable sources.

The Preschool Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except literature books, which can be purchased affordably from other sources or borrowed from the library.

Preschool schedule: 4 days a week, 26 weeks

Foundations in Literature | pg. 19 My Book House: In the Nursery ISBN: 9780486499062 Bedtime Stories by Thornton Burgess ISBN: 9780486491899

Included in Core Kit:

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Preschool (included) “Play to Learn” Appendix

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.


Reading Readiness | pg. 20 I Can Find Letter Sounds


Math Readiness | pg. 40 I Can Find Numbers and Shapes


Religion | pg. 52, 53 Who Am I? Preschool Workbook B Who Am I? Preschool Teacher’s Manual


$29.95 $10.95

Art Appreciation | pg. 62 Art Masterpieces: ABC Collection Teaching Booklet

Bible History: God’s Love Story

$6.95 $11.95

Art Cards

Character Building | pg. 54 Building Good Character: Level A Music | pg. 68 Making Music Praying Twice

When you purchase a Core Kit, please remember that you will need to purchase the math and literature books from a different supplier. They are still part of the core curriculum and are scheduled in CHC Lesson Plans, but you will save money by buying them elsewhere. For your convenience, pages 8–17 list the ISBNs, so you can be sure you are purchasing the recommended editions that are scheduled in the lesson plans.


see page 68


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Kindergarten Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-k to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!


Kindergarten Core Kit CORE-K $175.70 The Kindergarten Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math and literature books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources or borrowed from the library.

Also Required for Kindergarten

Go online @ chcweb.com/Kindergarten for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Kindergarten schedule: 4 days a week, 30 weeks

Foundations in Literature | pg. 19 My Book House: Story Time ISBN: 9780486499079 The Adventures of Peter Cottontail ISBN: 9780486492094 Aesop’s Fables for Children ISBN: 9780486846392

Mathematics | pg. 41 MCP Math K Kit (2005 ed.)

Included in Core Kit:

ISBN: 9780765273871

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Kindergarten

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.


Phonics | pgs. 22–23 Little Folks’ Letter Practice


Little Stories for Little Folks Phonics


Nicholson Onions in My Boots

Beth lives in the country . . . Jeremiah lives in town . . . Patrick lives in a third-  oor apartment . . . No matter where you live, you can plant and grow your very own delicious herbs,  owers, and vegetables. Why, you might even decide to plant onions in your boots!

Onions in My Boots Nancy Nicholson

Penmanship and Phonics | pgs. 36–37 Catholic Heritage Handwriting K

On a tight budget? Introduce your children to the wonder of growing the family groceries, and preparing simple recipes with the fruit of their labors. Whether planting in the free (and sometimes unusual) containers suggested in Onions in My Boots , or planting in the ground, your investment will be negligible, but the rewards priceless.


Illustrated by Sara Johnson

For Little Folks Dresden, OH

Art Appreciation | pg. 62 Art Masterpieces: Rhyme-Time Teaching Booklet $6.95 Art Masterpieces: Rhyme-Time Art Prints $11.95

Science | pg. 42 Behold and See K: Exploring Nature


Character Building | pg. 55 Building Good Character: Level B Music | pg. 68 Making Music Praying Twice

Mathematics | pg. 40 Little Folks’ Number Practice



see page 68

Religion | pg. 52 Who Am I? Kindergarten Workbook Who Am I? Kindergarten Teacher’s Manual

Enrichment God’s Love Story (pg. 53)

$10.95 $39.95

$10.95 $8.95 $10.95

Coloring with the Saints (pg. 59) Onions in My Boots (pg. 69) Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)



1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 1 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-1 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

First Grade

First Grade Core Kit CORE-1 $210.80 The First Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources.

Also Required for First Grade Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade1 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Mathematics | pg. 41 MCP Math A Kit (2005 ed.) ISBN: 9780765273819

First grade schedule: 4 days a week, 32 weeks

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.

Included in Core Kit:

Nicholson Onions in My Boots

Beth lives in the country . . . Jeremiah lives in town . . . Patrick lives in a third-  oor apartment . . . No matter where you live, you can plant and grow your very own delicious herbs,  owers, and vegetables. Why, you might even decide to plant onions in your boots!

Onions in My Boots Nancy Nicholson

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for First Grade


On a tight budget? Introduce your children to the wonder of growing the family groceries, and preparing simple recipes with the fruit of their labors. Whether planting in the free (and sometimes unusual) containers suggested in Onions in My Boots , or planting in the ground, your investment will be negligible, but the rewards priceless.

Phonics and Reading | pgs. 22–24 Little Stories for Little Folks Phonics Program What Do You Like to Do... Easy Reader

Illustrated by Sara Johnson

For Little Folks Dresden, OH

$36.50 $13.95 $13.95

What Can You Do... Easy Reader

Art & Art Appreciation | pg. 63 Art Masterpieces: Childhood Collection Teaching Booklet

Spelling and Grammar | pgs. 34–35 My Very First Catholic Speller Penmanship and Phonics | pgs. 36–37 Catholic Heritage Handwriting 1


$6.95 $11.95

Art Prints


Music | pg. 68 Making Music Praying Twice Enrichment God’s Love Story (pg. 53) Coloring with the Saints (pg. 59) Onions in My Boots (pg. 69) Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)

Science and Health | pg. 43 Behold and See 1: On the Farm Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 1 Student Text Faith and Life 1 Activity Book Faith and Life 1 Answer Key Hands-On Religion | pg. 56 God’s Wondrous Love Book God’s Wondrous Love Packet

see page 68


$10.95 $8.95 $10.95


$8.95 $4.95


$16.95 $12.95

No need to purchase again if your child has already completed CHC’s Kindergarten curriculum.


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 2 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-2 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Second Grade

Second Grade Core Kit CORE-2 $233.85 The Second Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources.

Also Required for Second Grade

Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade2 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Mathematics | pg. 41 MCP Math B Kit (2005 ed.) ISBN: 9780765273826

Second grade schedule: 4 days a week, 36 weeks

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.

Included in Core Kit:

Nicholson Onions in My Boots

Beth lives in the country . . . Jeremiah lives in town . . . Patrick lives in a third-  oor apartment . . . No matter where you live, you can plant and grow your very own delicious herbs,  owers, and vegetables. Why, you might even decide to plant onions in your boots!

Onions in My Boots Nancy Nicholson

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Second Grade Phonics and Reading | pg. 25 Bigger Stories for Little Folks Devotional Stories for Little Folks Devotional Stories for Little Folks, Too Spelling and Phonics | pgs. 34–35 My Catholic Speller, Level A Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level A


On a tight budget? Introduce your children to the wonder of growing the family groceries, and preparing simple recipes with the fruit of their labors. Whether planting in the free (and sometimes unusual) containers suggested in Onions in My Boots , or planting in the ground, your investment will be negligible, but the rewards priceless.

Illustrated by Sara Johnson

For Little Folks Dresden, OH

Coloring Book Devotional Stories

Devotional Stories for Little Folks

These all-time favorite stories feature the antics of Greg and his siblings in a Catholic homeschooling family like your own. The 36 hilarious and heart-tugging stories can be used for primary reading practice, character building lessons, or pure enjoyment!

$14.95 $16.95 $16.95

Devotional Stories for Little Folks includes: • Thirty-six stories;

Devotional Stories Coloring Book

• Relevant quotations from Scripture and the Catechism for each story; • New vocabulary and comprehension questions follow each tale; • Topical index to easily locate specific character-building issues.

Artwork by Andrea Helen Smith

These stories can be used in response to specific character issues that might need reinforcement. For example, what if you’d like to present a lesson about the importance of following directions? Look in the topical index under “directions” to locate “Yellowstone Bread,” a story about just such a lesson. Much more than entertaining reading, Devotional Stories will inspire your child to LIVE the Faith!

Bigger Stories for Little Folks Devotional Stories for Little Folks, Too

Check out the prequel and sequel, which are chock-full of even more funny, heart-tugging, “real-life” stories related to living the Faith within the family!

Catholic Heritage Curricula www.chcweb.com


Handwriting | pgs. 36–37 Catholic Heritage Handwriting 2 Art & Art Appreciation | pg. 63 Art Masterpieces: Nature Collection Teaching Booklet Map Skills | pg. 48 Map Skills B Workbook Map Skills B Answer Key Music | pg. 68 Making Music Praying Twice Enrichment Coloring with the Saints (pg. 59) Devotional Stories Coloring Book (pg. 25) The King of the Golden City (pg. 53) Art Prints



Social Studies | pg. 48 Explore the Continents

$6.95 $11.95

$26.95 $11.95

7 Continent Maps

Science | pg. 43 Behold and See 2: More Science Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 2 Student Text Faith and Life 2 Activity Book Faith and Life 2 Answer Key Hands-On Religion | pg. 57 Preparing to Receive Jesus Book Preparing to Receive Jesus Packet

$13.25 $6.50



see page 68

$8.95 $4.95

$8.95 $8.95 $16.95 $10.95

$16.95 $12.95

Onions in My Boots (pg. 69) Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)



1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 3 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-3 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Third Grade

Third Grade Core Kit CORE-3 $248.45 The Third Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources.

Also Required for Third Grade

Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade3 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Third grade schedule: 4 days a week, 36 weeks

Mathematics | pg. 41 MCP Math C Kit (2005 ed.) Literature Books | pg. 28 Pinocchio

ISBN: 9780765273833

ISBN: 9780486838052 ISBN: 9780060521226 ISBN: 9780763666668

The Whipping Boy

Included in Core Kit:

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Third Grade

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.


Literature and Reading Comp. | pgs. 26–28 My First Treasure Trove of Literature

$29.95 $16.95

How to Dress a Duck

Social Studies | pg. 49 Tour a Country

Nicholson Onions in My Boots

Beth lives in the country . . . Jeremiah lives in town . . . Patrick lives in a third-  oor apartment . . . No matter where you live, you can plant and grow your very own delicious herbs,  owers, and vegetables. Why, you might even decide to plant onions in your boots!

Onions in My Boots Nancy Nicholson


Folding World Map


On a tight budget? Introduce your children to the wonder of growing the family groceries, and preparing simple recipes with the fruit of their labors. Whether planting in the free (and sometimes unusual) containers suggested in Onions in My Boots , or planting in the ground, your investment will be negligible, but the rewards priceless.

Spelling and Phonics | pgs. 34–35 My Catholic Speller, Level B Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level B

Illustrated by Sara Johnson

For Little Folks Dresden, OH


Handwriting | pgs. 36–37 Catholic Heritage Handwriting 3



Art | pg. 63 Art Masterpieces: Adventure Collection Teaching Booklet

Science and Health | pg. 44 Behold and See 3 Science Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 3 Student Text Faith and Life 3 Activity Book Faith and Life 3 Answer Key Hands-On Religion | pg. 58 At the Feet of Mary Book At the Feet of Mary Packet


$6.95 $11.95

Art Prints

Map Skills | pg. 48 Map Skills C Workbook Map Skills C Answer Key

$13.95 $8.95 $4.95

$13.25 $6.50

Enrichment A Catholic Garden of Puzzles (pg. 69) Coloring with the Saints (pg. 59)

$12.50 $8.95 $10.95

$16.95 $14.95

Onions in My Boots (pg. 69) Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)



1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 4 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-4 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade Core Kit CORE-4 $257.50 The Fourth Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math and literature books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources or borrowed from the library.

Also Required for Fourth Grade

Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade4 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Fourth grade schedule: 4 days a week, 36 weeks

Mathematics | pg. 41 Saxon Math 5/4 Kit (3rd ed.) Literature Books | pg. 29 Little House in the Big Woods The Father Brown Reader

ISBN: 9781591413479

ISBN: 9780060581800 ISBN: 9780976638674 ISBN: 9780395273999

Minn of the Mississippi The Winged Watchman

ISBN: 9781883937072 The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe ISBN: 9780064409421

Included in Core Kit:

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Fourth Grade

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.


Literature and Reading Comp. | pgs. 26-27, 29 Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 1 Guidebook $27.95 Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 1 Notebook $17.95 Spelling and Phonics | pgs. 34–35 My Catholic Speller, Level C $16.50 Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level C $17.50 Science and Health | pg. 44 Behold and See 4 Science $36.95 Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 4 Student Text $13.95 Faith and Life 4 Activity Book $8.95 Faith and Life 4 Answer Key $4.95 Hands-On Religion | pg. 59 Saints & Seasons of the Liturgical Year $28.95 Social Studies and Geography | pg. 50 Our United States of America Text $39.95 Our United States of America Workbook $14.95

Handwriting | pgs. 36–37 Catholic Heritage Handwriting 4 Art | pg. 63 Art Masterpieces: Liturgical Collection Teaching Booklet



Art Prints


Home Economics | pg. 68 Sewing with Saint Anne


Map Skills | pg. 48 Map Skills D Workbook Map Skills D Answer Key

$13.25 $6.50

Enrichment A Catholic Garden of Puzzles (pg. 69) Coloring with the Saints (pg. 59)


$8.95 $1.95

Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 5 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-5 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade Core Kit CORE-5 $323.35 The Fifth Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math and literature books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources or borrowed from the library.

Also Required for Fifth Grade

Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade5 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Fifth grade schedule: 5 days a week, 36 weeks

Level I

Writing Workshop

by Sandra Garant

Mathematics | pg. 41 Saxon Math 6/5 Kit (3rd ed.) Literature Books | pg. 30 The Wizard of Oz Madeleine Takes Command

Many students struggle with writing. Think about it—writing involves juggling grammar, spelling, sentence structure, logic, and knowledge. That’s a lot of elements to keep in mind for beginning writers! And that’s why Sandra Garant, author, certi fi ed teacher, and homeschool mother, developed Writing Workshops .

ISBN: 9781591413486

Directions: The electronic fi les have been formatted to use as saved fi les on a disk or computer drive, or you may print the pages. 1. Read the lesson and work the exercises and activities. These prepare you to complete the assignment. 2. Write the assignment. 3. Use a dictionary or spellcheck program. Read your assignment aloud and follow the proofreading guidelines to evaluate your work.


ISBN: 9780345335906 ISBN: 9781883937171 ISBN: 9780152047375 ISBN: 9781416927839 ISBN: 9780064409438

Included in Core Kit:

The Borrowers

Misty of Chincoteague The Magician’s Nephew

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Fifth Grade


(included) From Sea to Shining Sea Study Guide Literature and Reading Comp. | pgs. 26–27, 30 Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 2 Guidebook $27.95 Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 2 Notebook $17.95 Spelling and Phonics | pgs. 34–35 My Catholic Speller, Level D $16.50 Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level D $17.50 Writing Workshop, Level I E-BOOK $11.95

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.

Science and Health | pg. 45 Behold and See 5 Student Text Behold and See 5 Student Workbook Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 5 Student Text Faith and Life 5 Activity Book Faith and Life 5 Answer Key Hands-On Religion | pg. 60 Growing in Grace & Wisdom History and Geography | pg. 50 From Sea to Shining Sea Student Text From Sea to Shining Sea Workbook

$39.95 $13.95

Art & Art Appreciation | pgs. 64–65 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1: Textbook $44.95 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1: Art Pad $14.95 Home Economics | pg. 68 Sewing with Saint Anne $24.95

$14.95 $8.95 $4.95

Map Skills | pg. 48 Map Skills E Workbook Map Skills E Answer Key

$13.25 $6.50


Enrichment A Catholic Garden of Puzzles (pg. 69)



$11.95 From Sea to Shining Sea Answer Key to Workbook $4.95

Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)



1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 6 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-6 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Sixth Grade

Sixth Grade Core Kit CORE-6 $338.80 The Sixth Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math and literature books, which can be purchased more affordably elsewhere.

Also Required for Sixth Grade

Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade6 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Sixth grade schedule: 5 days a week, 36 weeks

Level II

Writing Workshop Level III

by Sandra Garant

Writing Workshop

Many students struggle with writing. Think about it—writing involves juggling grammar, spelling, sentence structure, logic, and knowledge. That’s a lot of elements to keep in mind for beginning writers! And that’s why Sandra Garant, author, certi fi ed teacher, and homeschool mother, developed Writing Workshops . by Sandra Garant

Many students struggle with writing. Think about it—writing involves juggling grammar, spelling, sentence structure, logic, and knowledge. That’s a lot of elements to keep in mind for beginning writers! And that’s why Sandra Garant, author, certi fi ed teacher, and homeschool mother, developed Writing Workshops .

Directions: The electronic fi les have been formatted to use as saved fi les on a disk or computer drive, or you may print the pages. 1. Read the lesson and work the exercises and activities. These prepare you to complete the assignment. 2. Write the assignment. 3. Use a dictionary or spellcheck program. Read your assignment aloud and follow the proofreading guidelines to evaluate your work.

Mathematics | pg. 41 Saxon Math 7/6 Kit (4th ed.) Literature Books | pg. 31 The Door in the Wall

Directions: The electronic fi les have been formatted to use as saved fi les on a disk or computer drive, or you may print the pages. 1. Read the lesson and work the exercises and activities. These prepare you to complete the assignment. 2. Write the assignment. 3. Use a dictionary or spellcheck program. Read your assignment aloud and follow the proofreading guidelines to evaluate your work.

ISBN: 9781591413493



ISBN: 9780440227793 ISBN: 9780394820378 ISBN: 9780064405775 ISBN: 9780486815244 ISBN: 9780618260300

Included in Core Kit:

The Phantom Tollbooth The Endless Steppe

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Sixth Grade

Treasure Island


The Hobbit

(included) All Ye Lands Study Guide Literature and Reading Comp. | pgs. 26–27, 31 Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 3 $38.95 Spelling | pgs. 34–35 My Catholic Speller, Level E $16.50 Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level E $18.95 Writing Workshop, Level II E-BOOK $11.95 Writing Workshop, Level III E-BOOK $11.95 Science | pg. 46 Behold and See 6 Student Text $48.95 Behold and See 6 Student Workbook $15.95 Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 6 Student Text $14.95 Faith and Life 6 Activity Book $8.95 Faith and Life 6 Answer Key $4.95 Hands-On Religion | pg. 60 Sharing the Good News $22.95 History and Geography | pg. 51 All Ye Lands Student Text $77.95 All Ye Lands Workbook $11.95 All Ye Lands Answer Key to Workbook $4.95

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.

Art & Art Appreciation | pgs. 64–65 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1: Textbook $44.95 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 1: Art Pad $14.95 Home Economics | pg. 68 Sewing with Saint Anne $24.95

Map Skills | pg. 48 Map Skills F Workbook Map Skills F Answer Key

$13.25 $6.50

Enrichment A Catholic Garden of Puzzles (pg. 69)


Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)



1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 7 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-7 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Seventh Grade

Seventh Grade Core Kit CORE-7 $327.90 The Seventh Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math and literature books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources or borrowed from the library.

Also Required for Seventh Grade Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade7 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Seventh grade schedule: 5 days a week, 36 weeks

Mathematics | pg. 41 Saxon Math 8/7 Kit (3rd ed.) Literature Books | pg. 32 The Bronze Bow

ISBN: 9781591413509

ISBN: 9780395137192 ISBN: 9781416590842 ISBN: 9781612618395 ISBN: 9780064470483 ISBN: 9780358380238

The Miracle Worker A Christmas Carol Banner in the Sky

Included in Core Kit:

The Fellowship of the Ring

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Seventh Grade


Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.

Literature and Reading Comp. | pgs. 26–27, 32 Treasure Trove of Literature, Level 4 $38.95 Spelling | pgs. 34–35 My Catholic Speller, Level F $16.50 Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level F $23.95 Science and Health | pg. 46 Life Science: Catholic Heritage Edition Text $49.95 Life Science: Catholic Heritage Edition Workbook $17.95 Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 7 Student Text $15.95 Faith and Life 7 Activity Book $8.95 Faith and Life 7 Answer Key $4.95 Hands-On Religion | pg. 61 The Virtue Tree $26.95 History and Geography | pg. 51 Light to the Nations Part I Student Text Light to the Nations Part I Workbook $11.95 Light to the Nations Part I Answer Key to Workbook $4.95 $77.95

Art & Art Appreciation | pgs. 66–67 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 2: Textbook $44.95 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 2: Art Pad $14.95 Home Economics | pg. 68 Sewing with Saint Anne $24.95

Map Skills | pg. 48 Map Skills G Workbook Map Skills G Answer Key

$13.25 $6.50

Enrichment A Catholic Garden of Puzzles (pg. 69)


Catholic Report Card (pg. 7)



1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

View the Grade 8 Flipbook online @ chcweb.com/flip-8 to tour core and non-core materials, including printable sample pages that can be used to determine grade placement!

Eighth Grade

Eighth Grade Core Kit CORE-8 $299.40 The Eighth Grade Core Kit includes the lesson plan and all core materials except math and science books, which can be purchased more affordably from other sources.

Also Required for Eighth Grade

Go online @ chcweb.com/Grade8 for direct links to purchase these books from more affordable sources.

Eighth grade schedule: 5 days a week, 36 weeks

Mathematics | pg. 41 Saxon Algebra 1 Kit (3rd ed.) ISBN: 9781565771239 Saxon Algebra 1 Solutions Manual ISBN: 9781565771376 Science | pg. 47 Earth Science: God’s World, Our Home Textbook (2nd ed.) ISBN: 9780986352911 Digital Resources classicalacademicpress.com

Included in Core Kit:

Lesson Plans | pg. 6 CHC Lesson Plans for Eighth Grade

Non-Core Materials Non-core materials can be added as time, interest, and finances allow.


Literature and Reading Comp. | pgs. 26–27, 33 The Treasure Trove of Poetry $38.95 The Treasure Trove of Poetry Anthology $28.95 Grammar and Composition | pgs. 38–39 Language of God, Level G $25.95 Religion | pg. 52 Faith and Life 8 Student Text $15.95 Faith and Life 8 Activity Book $8.95 Faith and Life 8 Answer Key $4.95 Hands-On Religion | pg. 61 Faith in Action $26.95

Art & Art Appreciation | pgs. 66–67 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 2: Textbook $44.95 Ever Ancient Ever New, Level 2: Art Pad $14.95 Home Economics | pg. 68 Sewing with Saint Anne $24.95 Enrichment A Catholic Garden of Puzzles (pg. 69) $12.50 Catholic Report Card (pg. 7) $1.95

High School Preparation | pg. 18 High School of Your Dreams Guidebook History and Geography | pg. 51 Light to the Nations Part II Student Text Light to the Nations Part II Workbook



$11.95 Light to the Nations Part II Answer Key to Workbook $4.95


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com


by Nancy Nicholson

High School of Your Dreams Guidebook High School of Your Dreams was developed by Nancy Nicholson as a guide to designing a high school curriculum that fits your student’s unique learning style, interests, and possible career goals. The High School of Your Dreams Guidebook introduces three basic approaches to high school: 1. College Track: Flexible Textbook Approach; 2. Community College/Vocational School: Independent Study Approach; 3. Apprenticeship/School-to-Work: Experiential Approach A two-part Student Profile, one part answered by the student, one part by the parent, gauges the student’s interests and aptitudes and is followed by a guide to interpreting the results. The Guidebook then proceeds to developing a tentative four-year plan, choosing core and elective subjects, deciding which materials the student will use to learn those subjects, and creating a lesson plan for the materials. The Guidebook also covers the following general topics about homeschooling through high school: what is necessary for a homeschooled student to enter college; converting homeschool study time into standard high school credit hours; creating a high school transcript; discerning career paths; and incorporating volunteering and other types of experiential learning into a high school curriculum. Includes reproducible blank forms and charts ( From Freshman to Graduate Chart , Class Lesson Plan Form, Monthly Hours Chart, Academic Transcript , and Diploma ). 186 pgs. 8½"×11" Loose-leaf, 3-hole drilled. HSYD-GB $24.95 A resource to help homeschool families design and implement their own, personalized high school programs “M Y daughter started with Behold and See in third grade. The science materials published by Catholic Heritage Curricula inspired a diligent love for the subject. Each year she dove in a bit deeper with the discipline. When she started high school we enrolled her in Honors Biology with a local homeschool academy that met once a week. Thanks to the work and growth over the years of course work with CHC, she aced the class.” —Selina, TX

Step 4

Explore Your Career Interests You are almost ready to plan your high school curriculum. Before you can decide how you will gain credit for English, which text or DVD series you will use for history, and whether or not you will study chemistry at your commu nity college, you need to have some idea of what your vocational and/or career goals are. For instance, if you are interested in going into the field of aeronautics, you will need to take more math and science classes than someone who is interested in journalism, but you prob

electronics engineer, broadcast technician, etc.). Take particular notice of what post-high school education is required for the

careers that interest you. You might be surprised to learn, for example, that someone who is interested in a degree in Environmental Sciences will need to take Zoology, Biology, Algebra, Chemistry, and Technical Drafting in college, and that Psychology and Biology are required subjects in college for those pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice. Knowing something of the educational requirements in your chosen field and including some or all of those classes as core subjects at the high school level considerably boosts performance in post-high school studies. If you are considering an apprenticeship in a particular profession, locate and contact someone practicing that profession. Arrange for a personal or telephone interview to learn what educational requirements are necessary to the profession; the information may also be obtained through an internet search. One might note, for example, that carpenters and electricians need math and science skills. This knowledge will be helpful when planning your high school curriculum. Where Can I Find Out More about Degrees or Training Programs for These Fields? For more information, type the degree desired followed by a career field in the internet search box, e.g., “associate’s degree veterinary technician”; “bachelor’s degree epidemiolo gist”; “master’s degree social worker.”

ably will not do as much creative writing. With your parent, look over the descriptions of possible careers found on the following pages. Based on the results of your Student Profile, select the careers that best fit your interests and abilities. Begin by choosing five careers that catch your interest; find out more about what type of experiences and work are involved in these careers. Now narrow your list of five to the two careers that most interest you. Research to find out which classes and steps would be required to enter these fields. Because most students possess more than one potential career interest or skill set, it is recommended to explore at least two different careers. For instance, Jeff loves to hike and has enjoyed taking First Aid. He decides to learn more about careers in forestry and the medical field. When you have selected the careers which best fit your abilities and goals, explore them with your parent. Which of the careers/ vocations described can you imagine pursuing after you graduate from high school? Research the various “Related Fields” to see if any of them interest you more than others (for instance, Electronics: avionic electronics,


Step 4: Explore Your Career Interests

Core Subjects: Language Arts How will you complete your core requirements in the language arts? Study the list of possible courses below, then read more about each course on the following pages. Select the courses that most closely align with your career and educational goals. Then write down your ideas in the spaces below.

Standard requirements: • English: 4 years/credits • Speech: ½ year/credit Requirements in your state: • English: years/credits • Speech: year/credit College requirements: • English: 4 years/credits, including Grammar, Literature, and Composition • Foreign Language: 3 or 4 years/credits, with a strong focus in at least one language • Speech: ½ year/credit

English Composition & Grammar — pg. 72 Literature — pg. 74 Journalism/Communications — pg. 80 Creative Writing — pg. 81 Drama — pg. 82 Foreign Languages — pg. 83 Speech — pg. 84

Step 5



Foreign Language:


Step 5: Core Subjects: Language Arts

The Battle Planner Charging toward Adulthood This blank lesson planner helps high school students take charge of academic assignments, family and religious commitments, and extracurricular activities. The planner includes encouraging tips for improving study habits and maintaining a positive approach to life. 36 weeks, 74 pgs. Spiral-bound for ease of use. 8½"×11" BP $11.95

Recommended High School Materials can be found online @ chcweb. com/grade-level/high school!


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

LANGUAGE ARTS Foundations in Literature

Reading aloud to young children is crucially important because it develops their vocabulary, imagination, love of reading, understanding of cause and effect, and moral sense. The read-aloud titles below are core texts in CHC Lesson Plans for Preschool (pg. 8) and CHC Lesson Plans for Kindergarten (pg. 9) as part of the preschool and kindergarten “Foundations in Literature” course.

Where to Purchase? Go online @ chcweb.com/Preschool and chcweb.com/Kindergarten for direct links to purchase these books from affordable sources. Preschool My Book House: In the Nursery ISBN: 9780486499062 Bedtime Stories Kindergarten My Book House: Story Time ISBN: 9780486499079 The Adventures of Peter Cottontail ISBN: 9780486492094 Aesop’s Fables for Children ISBN: 9780486846392 by Thornton Burgess ISBN: 9780486491899


My Book House: In the Nursery This volume of the acclaimed My Book House series compiles over 350 beloved nursery rhymes, chants, and children’s poems. Illustrated in color and black and white. 224 pgs. Softcover. 7"×10"

Bedtime Stories by Thornton Burgess Twenty beloved stories of Peter Cottontail, Mrs. Quack, Jimmy Skunk, and other woodland friends. Charmingly illustrated in color and black and white. 112 pgs. Softcover. 8¼"×11"


My Book House: Story Time Readers of all ages will delight in the tales and verse in this volume. Illustrated in color and black and white. 224 pgs. Softcover. 7"×10"

The Adventures of Peter Cottontail by Thornton Burgess

Aesop’s Fables for Children More than 130 of Aesop’s beloved fables with full-color illustrations. 112 pgs. Softcover. 8¼"×11"

In timeless tales of woodland whimsy, Thornton Burgess recounts the exploits of Reddy Fox, Peter Cottontail, and Grandfather Frog. Illustrated in black and white. 368 pgs. Hardcover. 5"×8"


1-800-490-7713 | www.chcweb.com

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